Sunday, January 10, 2010


I think the purpose of getting fucked over every once in a while is to make sure I never forget what it feels like. If I'm going to devote my life to helping the helpless, delivering the oppressed, I guess I should at least be able to somewhat relate to them, even if just emotionally. I need fresh doses of desperation, anger, and frustration to keep reality from getting too distant: there will always be people in power raping people in anonymity. It's broken, this place, and we do need a Savior.

Life is not fair, and I'd better become familiar with that fact. There's suffering in the world, and I am to keep it close to me. The point is that I should never get too comfortable in my skin, and that I should never be able to concede "Life is good".

In the end, I may never be able to look Mr. Anonymous in the eye and tell him "I understand", but at least I can say with a clear conscience, "Life isn't fair". And I can say to him, "For this reason Jesus died."

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